Why can’t the row space and nullspace be two lines in R3

linear algebraorthogonalityvectors

I'm learning Linear Algebra using Gilbert Strang's lectures and at lecture 14 he said the following: "Imagine two perpendicular lines in R3. Can they be the row space and the nullspace? No.". So the answer is no but I don't understand why. Say we put 2 such vectors in a 3×2 matrix. The row space is a line, so the dimension of the row space is 1, so the rank is 1. The nullspace is also a line, so n – rank = 1. Therefore n is 2, which is right given the matrix is 3×2. I think my logic is flawed, since my answer is wrong. Can someone explain? Maybe I have to use the fact that the row space and nullspace are orthogonal?

Best Answer

This follows from the Rank-Nullity theorem. But specific to the example you reasoned in your question, when you formulated your 3 x 2 matrix (assuming you mean rows x columns), the Row space will be the vector sub-space spanned by the rows of your matrix viewed as vectors. The nullspace will be solutions of the equation $$Ax=0$$ Thus, your rows will be either 2 linearly independent vectors and 1 linearly dependent vector meaning that your row space has dimension 2 and your nullspace has dimension zero. Or, your rows will be 1 linearly independent vector (assuming you haven't chosen the zero matrix) and 2 linearly dependent vectors (multiples of that first row-vector), in which case your row space has dimension 1 and your nullspace has dimension 1. Keep in mind that in this example your vectors live in $\mathbb{R}^2$. Something similar happens when you consider and a 2 x 3 matrix whose row vectors live in $\mathbb{R}^3$. Can you produce an example matrix of this form and try to work it out?