Why can’t set cover be reduced to min-cost max-flow


Okay, so I know obviously I'm making some kind of easy mistake here, since set cover is NP-complete and min-cost max-flow is in P, but I can't figure out what the mistake is.

So, given a universe $U$ and a set $S$ such that the union of all sets in $S$ is $U$, the set cover problem asks for the smallest subset of $S$ such that the union of all sets in that subset is $U$.

My question, then, is why we can't construct a min-cost max-flow graph as follows:

  1. Create one node for each set in $S$, and one node for each element in $U$.
  2. Draw edges from the source to each set $A \in S$ with 1 cost and infinite capacity.
  3. Draw edges from each element in $U$ to the sink with 0 cost and unit capacity.
  4. Draw edges from each set in $S$ to each of the elements in $U$ that it contains with 0 cost and infinite capacity.
  5. Find the min-cost max-flow of the resulting network; the sets $A \in S$ that have flow running through them should comprise a set cover.

Wikipedia provides an example problem with $U = \{1, 2, 3 ,4, 5\}$ and $S = \{ \{1, 2, 3\}, \{2, 4\}, \{3, 4\}, \{4, 5\} \}$here is a picture I drew to illustrate.

The resulting graph will have $|S| + |U| + 2$ nodes, and $\Sigma_{A \in S} |A|+ |S| + |U| + 2$ edges, which I believe should be polynomial on the size of the input. So what am I doing wrong here? Thanks!

Best Answer

Oops, I figured it out actually. This may have been what @Μάρκος Καραμέρης was trying to tell me, but I was misunderstanding the formulation of the min-cost max-flow problem. The cost of an edge is not a one-time cost to use that edge, but rather the cost per unit of flow.