Why can’t completeness be defined on topological spaces without using metrics


I have heard it said that completeness is a not a property of topological spaces, only a property of metric spaces (or topological groups), because Cauchy sequences require a metric to define them, and different metrics yield different sets of Cauchy sequence, even if the metrics induce the same topology. But why wouldn't the following definition of Cauchy sequence work?

(*) A sequence $(x_n)$ in a topological space $(X,\tau)$ is Cauchy if there exists a nested sequence of open sets $(U_n)$ where each open set is a proper subset of the one before it and the intersection of all of them contains at most one element, such that for any natural number $m$, there exists a natural number $N$ such that for all $n\geq N$, we have $x_n\in U_m$.

My question is, why isn't this definition equivalent to being Cauchy in all metrics on $X$ whose topology is $\tau$? Are there any metrics where being Cauchy is equivalent to (*)?

Best Answer

According to your proposed definition, the sequence $1,2,3,\dots$ would be Cauchy in $\mathbb{R}$, witnessed by the sequence of open sets $U_n = (n,\infty)$.

Edit: Let me incorporate some information from the comments to make this a more complete answer.

As another example of why your definition is unsatisfactory: In $\mathbb{R}^2$, any sequence $(a_n,0)$ of points on the $x$-axis is Cauchy, witnessed by the sequence of open sets $\mathbb{R}\times (-1/n,1/n)$.

The fact that completeness and Cauchyness are not topological properties can be formalized by the fact that there are generally many different metrics compatible with a given topology, and these different metrics can induce different notions of completeness and Cauchyness. Looked at a different way, homeomorphisms preserve all topological properties (I would take this to be the definition of a topological property), but homeomorphisms between metric spaces do not necessarily preserve completeness (see the examples in btilly's and Andreas Blass's comments).

On the other hand, the notion of completeness actually lives somewhere in between the world of topological properties and metric properties, in the sense that many different metrics can agree about which sequences are Cauchy. It turns out that they agree when they induce the same uniform structure on the space. And indeed, completeness can be defined purely in terms of the induced uniform structure, so it's really a uniform property.

There is one class of spaces in which topological property and uniform properties coincide: a compact space admits a unique uniformity. So you could call completeness a topological property for compact spaces. But in a rather trivial way, since every compact uniform space is automatically complete.

It could be worthwhile to view compactness as the proper topological version of completeness, i.e. the topological property that comes the closest to agreeing with the uniform/metric property of completeness.