Why can’t a Pythagorean triple triangle have an odd area

elementary-number-theorypythagorean triples

To my understanding that a primitive triple $x$ and $y$ can be written as $x = q^2 – p^2$ while $y=2pq$ for relatively prime opposite parity $q > p$ then the area can be calculated as: $pq(q^2 – p^2) = pq(q+p)(q-p)$.
Am I missing something obvious that helps prove that a Pythagorean Triple triangle cannot have an odd area?

Best Answer

If $a^2+b^2=c^2$ with integers $a,b,c$, recall that the square of an even number is $\equiv 0\pmod4$ and the square of an odd number is $\equiv1\pmod8$. Therefore, either $a,b,c$ are even (and then $\frac12ab$ is even) or $c$ and one of $a,b$ are odd and the other is a multiple of 4 (because its square is a multiple of 8), so again $\frac12ab$ is even.

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