Why aren’t all points in a set limit points (by this definition)


I am self-studying Real Analysis using S. Abbot's Understanding Analysis and am a bit confused with the definition of a limit point of a set on page 89. The definition is as follows:

A point $x$ is a limit point of a set $A$ if every $\epsilon$-neighbourhood $V_\epsilon(x)$ of $x$ intersects the set $A$ at some point other than $x$.

This confuses me a bit – doesn't this apply to all points in $A$? for example, if we defined some point arbitrary $a$ somewhere in the middle of the set, won't we be able to keep shrinking the size of the $\epsilon$-neighbourhood, and by archimedian property, always find a member of this $\epsilon$-neighbourhood that is a member of A but not $x$?

Can someone help me reconcile this? I am a bit confused. Also, the additional notion of isolated points make this even more confusing – perhaps someone could explain the differences as well?


Best Answer

It seems to me that you have missed the “other than $x$” part of the definition. Clearly, for instance $1$ is not a limit point of, say $\{-1,1\}$.

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