Why are the roots of $y^2 – iy + 2 = 0$ not complex conjugates

algebra-precalculuscomplex numbersquadratics

So I have the equation $y^2 – iy + 2 = 0$. I use the quadratic formula to solve it, and the solutions I got are $2i$ and $-i$. Why aren't the solutions here complex conjugates? Why didn't the quadratic formula produce complex conjugates as solutions in this case?

Best Answer

The 'conjugates rule' only applies when the coefficients of the quadratic are real. Say the roots of a quadratic $f(z)$ are $\alpha=a+bi$ and $\beta=c+di$. Then, by the factor theorem, the factorisation of $f(z)$ must be $$ (z-\alpha)(z-\beta)=(z^2-(\alpha+\beta)z+\alpha\beta) \, . $$ This means that in order for $f(z)$ to have real coefficients, $$ \alpha + \beta \in \mathbb{R} \text{ and } \alpha\beta \in \mathbb{R} \, . $$ The only time this is true when $\alpha$ and $\beta$ are both real, or when $\alpha$ and $\beta$ form a complex conjugate pair; it is a good exercise to verify this. Otherwise, $f(z)$ would have non-real coefficients, and there would be no requirement that its roots form a complex conjugate pair. I can easily think up a quadratic where the roots don't form a complex conjugate pair. For example, $\alpha = 5+7i$ and $\beta=2+3i$ gives the equation $$ z^2-(7+10i)z+(-11+29i) = 0 \, . $$

Throughout this answer, I assume that the leading coefficient of the quadratic is $1$. However, this is okay, because any quadratic equation of the form $$ az^2+bz+c=0 $$ can be turned into $$ z^2+Bz+C = 0 $$ if we divide through by $a$.

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