Why are roots of unity evenly spaced


Roots of unity are the solutions of the complex polynomial $t^{n}-1=0$ they have the following form $E_{n}=\{e^{\frac{2\pi ik}{n}}:k\in\mathbb{Z}\}=\{e^{\frac{2\pi ik}{n}}:k=1,…,n-1\}$. From the properties of the $e$-function we know that $|e^{\frac{2\pi ik}{n}}|=1$ for all roots of unity, hence they lie on the unit circle. They are eventually used to construct regular n-gon's.

Now, everywhere I read about them, it's stated that they are evenly spaced around the unit circle. However I'd like to know how to prove this.

Best Answer

As pointed out, the roots of

$t^n - 1 = 0 \tag 1$

are the $n$ complex numbers

$\omega^j = e^{2\pi i j / n} = (e^{2\pi i / n})^j, \; 0 \le j \le n - 1. \tag 2$

If we use the Euler identity on the $\omega^j$ we find

$\omega^j = e^{2\pi i j / n} = \cos \dfrac{2\pi j}{n} + i \sin \dfrac{2\pi j}{n}; \tag 3$

it is easy to see from $(3)$ that the ray emanating from the origin and passing through $\omega^j$ makes an angle $2\pi j / n$ with the positive $x$-axis; thus the angle between consecutive roots of unity $\omega^j$ and $\omega^{j + 1}$ is precisely $2\pi /n,$ no matter what the value of $j$; it is the same for any two consecutive $n$-th roots of unity, so the arc subtended by the angle 'twixt two consecutive $\omega^j$ always is of length $2 \pi / n$; they are evenly space around the unit circle.

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