Why are $q$ and $p+1$ relatively prime if $q$ divides $p-1$

number theoryprime numbers

Looking at the solution of an exercise on Sylow theorems, I see that, if $q$ and $p$ are odd primes such that $q|(p-1),$ then $q$ and $p(p+1)$ are relatively prime.

I understand that $q$ and $p$ are relatively prime, but is there a reason (theorem) why $q$ and $(p+1)$ are relatively prime?

Thank you for your help.

Best Answer

If $d|q$ and $d|(p+1)$ and $q|(p-1),$ then $d|(p-1)$ and $d|(p+1),$ so $ d|2,$ so $d=1$ or $2,$

but $q$ is odd, so $d=1.$ Therefore $q$ and $p+1$ are relatively prime.

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