Why are complex functions allowed to have the same derivative in all directions while multivariable functions aren’t


Comsider a multivariable function from $R^2$ to $R^2$ which is $f(x,y)=\langle g(x,y), h(x,y)\rangle$. We're initially at $(x,y)$ and we change the argument by a small vector of magnitude $dr$ in two different directions. In this case, the rate of change of $f(x,y)$ will depend on the direction even if the 'small change' is of the same magnitude.

This is because the rate of change is given by gradient•u. So we're bound to have different rates of change in different directions. It's just not possible to change by the same rate in different directions.

But if we have a complex differentiable function $c(z)$. If we're initially at $z$ and change by $dz$ in two different directions, then the rate of change is the same.

How do complex functions make this work? My math level is high school. Don't use advanced math in the answer.

Best Answer

On a single-variable real number line, you actually have two directions. Given a function $f$ with a positive derivative at $x_0,$ if you increase $x$ very slightly from $x_0$ then you increase $f(x),$ but if you decrease $x$ then you decrease $f(x).$ An increase is a positive change, a decrease is a negative change, and non-zero positive is never equal to negative.

So why do we say there is only one derivative of $f$ at $x_0$ when we can change $f(x)$ in two different ways? It's because the way we measure the rate of change makes them the same rate. For example, with the function $f(x) = 2x$ (choosing a linear function so we don't have to worry about the "limit" so much), if the change in $x$ is $+1$ (increasing) then the change in $f(x)$ is $+2,$ whereas if the change in $x$ is $-1$ (decreasing) then the change in $f(x)$ is $-2.$ But the rate in each case is $$ \frac{2}{1} = \frac{-2}{-1} = 2. $$

If we take the complex function $f(z) = 2z,$ if the change in $z$ is $+1$ then the change in $f(z)$ is $+2,$ if the change in $z$ is $+i$ then the change in $f(z)$ is $+2i,$ etc. No matter how we change $z,$ it turns out $f(z)$ always changes by exactly $2$ times the change in $z.$

For the function $g(z) = 2iz,$ it turns out that no matter which way $z$ changes, $g(z)$ changes by exactly $2i$ times as much. If we add $1$ to the real part of $z$ without changing the imaginary part, then the real part of $g(z)$ doesn't change at all, but the imaginary part increases by $2.$ If we add $1$ to the imaginary part of $z$ without changing the real part, then the imaginary part of $g(z)$ doesn't change at all, but the real part decreases by $2,$ because $2i \cdot i = -2.$

In your example of a function $f: \mathbb R^2 \to \mathbb R^2,$ you actually set up two independent real-valued functions on $\mathbb R^2,$ each of which has to be independently differentiable in order for $f$ to be differentiable. But when we have a function $f: \mathbb C \to \mathbb C,$ only the single complex output value $f(z)$ has to be differentiable. A "change by $dz$" in any "direction" will result in the same rate of change $\frac{df}{dz}$; it's just that if $\frac{df}{dz}\neq 0,$ some "directions" of $dz$ multiplied by $\frac{df}{dz}$ will produce more change to apply to the real part of $f$, and some will produce more change to apply to the imaginary part of $f.$

It turns out that differentiable functions from $\mathbb R^2$ to $\mathbb R^2$ don't generally correspond to differentiable functions from $\mathbb C$ to $\mathbb C,$ because the real and imaginary parts of the output of a differentiable complex function cannot change independently; their changes have to be coordinated in order to have only one rate of change at any given point. So complex differentiability is a stricter condition, viewed in that way; but it is a condition that plenty of functions can meet.

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