Which wallpaper groups do these images belong to


The three images below are 'pieces' of infinite wallpaper patterns. The first one corresponds to an infinite checkerboard pattern with alternating white and black squares. The second image corresponds to an infinite checkerboard pattern with alternating white, black, and red squares. The third image corresponds to an infinite checkerboard pattern with white, black, green, and red squares. I believe the first image belongs to the wallpaper group p4m, and the third and fourth images belong to wallpaper groups pm. Is this correct? What about the case with C >= 5 colours, constructed in the same way. What is the best classic reference for wallpaper groups? Thank you.

Image 1

Image 2

Image 3

Best Answer

@DietrichBurde has an answer linking to Brian Sanderson's Pattern Recognition Algorithm; that page has a further link or two you can follow for more information.

As for good classical references, it's a problem. One of these days I'll turn my Euclidean geometry course into a book, the culmination of which will be the classification of the 17 wallpaper groups.

Let me follow that pattern recognition algorithm on your examples.

Your first example:

What is the maximum rotation order?

The maximum is $4$, with rotation axis at the center of any black or any white square. Note every other rotation axis is at the common corner of two black and two white squares, or at the midpoint of the common edge of a black and a white square; at each such point, the rotation order is $2$.

Is there a mirror?

Yes, the mirrors are the lines of slope $0$, $1$, $-1$, or $\infty$ that pass through the center of any black or white square.

Is there a rotation axis not on a mirror?

No, every rotation axis is on a mirror.

Conclusion: Your first example is of type p4m, as you surmised.

Your second and third examples:

These two are the same:

  • The maximum rotation order is $1$;
  • There is a mirror, namely any line of slope $-1$ passing through the center of any square.
  • There is no indecomposable glide reflection, because in both of your these examples every glide reflection decomposes as one of the mirror reflections composed with a translation along the mirror axis.

So both of these wallpaper groups are of type pm, again as you surmised. The same logic would apply to any number of colors $\ge 3$, they are all of type pm.

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