Abstract Algebra – Numbers Requiring Order 3 Factors for Irreducible Polynomials


The complex numbers are famous for having the property of the fundamental theorem of algebra.

All polynomials have at least one root.

Together with being factor-able, this means we can factor every complex polynomial of degree n into a product of n linear factors. (For monic polynomials we can skip $k$)
$$p(z) = k\cdot \prod_{i=1}^n (z-z_i)$$

For real valued polynomials this is not true. We will there also need to allow polynomial factors of degree 2 to reach some irreducible expression.

So it is clear that there exist two possibilities of numbers : those whose polynomials are guaranteed reducible down to 1 and 2 degrees. But what about 3? Which type of numbers will require us to allow also third-degree polynomial factors to factor "completely"?

Edit > So to clarify, I am looking for a type of number so that for any polynomial with coefficients and variables in this set of numbers which I seek will be guaranteed to be able to factor it into factors of order 1,2 or 3 but never higher and that the case 3 by necessity happens for at least one polynomial.

We can always write :
$$p(x) = \sum_{k=0}^N c_kx^k = K \prod_i (c_{i3}x^3+c_{i2}x^2+c_{i1}x+c_{i0})$$

So that there exists at least one p for which there is at least one i so that $c_{i3} \neq 0$

But for some p, all the $c_{i3}$ and also $c_{i2}$ may be $0$.

Best Answer

I'll follow @TorstenSchoeneberg's line of reasoning. You asked about numbers, so I'll write about a field $k$ with $\mathrm{char } k = 0$.

  • Such a field is perfect, i.e. every algebraic extension of it is separable (this is one of equivalent definitions).
  • For separable extensions, we have the well-known primitive element theorem: any finite separable extension $K/k$ is generated by a single element, $K = k(\gamma)$.
  • Any element $\alpha \in \overline{k}$ has a minimal polynomial of degree at most $n$, as the extension $\overline{k}/k$ is algebraic, and a minimal polynomial of a field element must be irreducible.

Now let the degree of (the minimal polynomial of) $\alpha \in \overline{k}$ be $n$ and prove that $k(\alpha) = \overline{k}$. Indeed, for $\beta \in \overline{k}$ we have $k(\alpha, \beta) = k(\gamma)$ for some $\gamma$ by the primitive element theorem, so $|k(\gamma)/k| \le n$ (the dimension as a vector space), but $k(\alpha)$ is contained in $k(\gamma)$, so they are equal and $\gamma, \beta \in k(\alpha)$.

This allows us to use

Theorem 3.1 (Artin-Schreier). Let $C$ be algebraically closed with $F$ a subfield such that $1<[C:F]<\infty$. Then $C=F(i)$ where $i^2=−1$, and $F$ has characteristic $0$. Moreover, for $a\in F^\times$, exactly one of $a$ or $−a$ is a square in $F$, and every finite sum of nonzero squares in $F$ is again a nonzero square in $F$.

We conclude that a field of characteristic $0$ that has bounded degree $d$ of irreducible polynomials has $d \le 2$. The same holds without the a priori characteristic assumption (the bounded degree implies $\mathrm{char } k = 0$), but this is more difficult to prove.