Which set of diophantine equations could have the powers of two as result

computabilitydiophantine equations

Matiyasevich's theorem says, all the computably enumerable integer sets are diophantine. Thus, a set of diophantine equations exists, whose solution (in any of their variables) are this set.

Now consider the set of the integer powers of two. It is clearly recursively enumerable.

Which diophantine equation could have this set as its solution?

First I would say, that it is impossible – diophantine equations are polynomial, and my naive first spot is that they can't have this set of solutions in any of their variables. But this contradicts the MRDP theorem.

Best Answer

$n$ is a power of $2$ iff

$$\forall a\,\forall b\,(2\cdot a+1)\cdot b=n\to a=0. $$ So let's start with something like $$ ((2a+1)b-n)^2$$ which is $\ge 0$ with equality iff $(2a+1)b=n$. Now let's express that $a$ is a positive integer. By Lagrange's four-square-theorem, this is equivalent to $\exists c\exists d\exists e\exists f\,a=1+c^2+d^2+e^2+f^2$. Thus from $$ P(n;a,b,c,d,e,f):=((2a+1)b-n)^2+(1+c^2+d^2+e^2+f^2-a)^2$$ we see that the non-powers of $2$ are diophantine.

As $P$ is always non-negative, we arrive at the complement set by looking at $$ Q(n;a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j) := 1+g^2+h^2+i^2+j^2-P(n;a,b,c,d,e,f)$$

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