Which rectangles can be tiled with L-trominos, when only two orientations are allowed


This is a question that I got after reading this: https://www.cut-the-knot.org/Curriculum/Games/LminoRect.shtml. (This link already gave me the same result as theorem 1.1 of the article https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0012365X08000629.)
I hope that some people here might be able to help me solve it.

Let $m$ and $n$ be integers greater than 1. Find all pairs $(m,n)$
such that it is possible to tile an $m\times n$ table with
right-oriented L-shaped trominos. The pictures below shows what right/left-oriented trominos are. (No rotations allowed. So,
left-oriented trominos can't be used.)


Clearly either $m$ or $n$ must be divisible by $3$. Two right-oriented trominos can be combined to form a $2\times 3$ rectangle. Therefore it can be seen that if $6\mid mn$, then the table can be tiled with these trominos. I tried to deal with the case where $3\mid mn$ but $2\nmid mn$. It seems that there is always a $3\times 1$ or $1\times 3$ leftover. My guess is that $6\mid mn$ is indeed the necessary and sufficient condition. Please help!

Best Answer

This is a very cool question! This answer is that $6\mid mn$ is indeed a necessary condition to be able to tile an $m\times n$ rectangle with right-handed L-trominos. However, to prove this, a coloring argument is not sufficient; you need to use a noncommutative invariant.

To solve this, we use the tiling group invented by Conway and Lagarias. Given a region $R$ in the rectangular grid, and a set of tiles $T_1,\dots,T_m$, we can ask whether $R$ can be tiled with translated copies of $T_1,\dots,T_m$. Define the "combinatorial boundary" of $R$, denoted $\partial R$, to be the sequence of directions you get when you start at an arbitrary point on the boundary of $R$, and trace around $R$ counter-clockwise, making a unit step each time. This corresponds to an element of the free group on two generators, $x$ and $y$, using the correspondence $$ x = \text{East},\quad x^{-1}=\text{West},\quad y = \text{North},\quad y^{-1}=\text{South}. $$It turns out that if you take the free group $F[x,y]$, and introduce relations corresponding to the boundaries of the tiles, $\partial T_i$, then you get powerful tiling invariant.

Theorem (Conway, Lagarius, 1990): If $R$ is a simply connected region in the rectangular grid which can be tiled with translated copies of $T_1,\dots,T_m$, then $\partial R$ is the identity element when viewed as an element of the group $$T:=\langle x, y \mid \partial T_1=\dots=\partial T_m=1\rangle $$

In particular, to prove $R$ cannot be tiled, it suffices to show $\partial R$ is nonzero as an element of $T$.

In our case, the boundaries of the two tiles are described by the sequences (East, East, North, North, West, South, West, South), and (East, North, East, North, West, West, South, South), so the two relations for our group are $$ \partial T_1 =x^2y^2(x^{-1}y^{-1})^2,\qquad \partial T_2=(xy)^2x^{-2}y^{-2} $$Let $m$ and $n$ be odd integers such that $3\mid mn$. The combinatorial boundary of the $m\times n$ rectangle is $$\partial R = x^n y^m x^{-n} y^{-m}.$$ As long as we can show that $\partial R$ is nonzero in the group $$ \langle x,y\mid x^2y^2(x^{-1}y^{-1})^2=(xy)^2x^{-2}y^{-2}=1\rangle, $$then we will have proved the rectangle is not tile-able. Doing this is no easy feat.

Conway and Lagarius introduced a very powerful tool for analyzing this group. Consider the tiling of the plane; this consists of regular hexagons and equilateral triangles, both with side length $1$, such that any two triangles only meet at a vertex. Triangles come in two orientations, say, upward pointing and downward pointing. Any element of the free group $F[x,y]$ determines a path along the edges of the tiling. Starting from an arbitrary base vertex, you read the free group word from left to right, and take steps as follows:

  • $x$ means you take one step which follows the boundary of the nearest upward-pointing triangle, going counter-clockwise. For $x^{-1}$, you go clockwise.

  • $y$ means you take one step which follows the boundary of the nearest downward-pointing triangle, going counter-clockwise. For $y^{-1}$, you go clockwise.

When you do this procedure using the two boundaries of the right-handed trominos, $\partial T_1$ and $\partial T_2$, each path will enclose exactly one upward-pointing triangle, one downward pointing triangle, and one hexagon. This implies that if the free group word for $\partial R$ is the identity in the tile group, then it must enclose an equal number of upward point triangles, downward pointing triangles, and hexagons.

However, $\partial R= x^n y^m x^{-n} y^{-m}$ actually encloses zero of each of the three shapes, so this is not enough to conclude $\partial R\neq 1$. We need to strengthen this invariant as follows. Consider a square, where the two horizontal edges are labeled "$x$", and the two vertical edges are labeled "$y$". Any free group element $F[x,y]$ also determines a path on the vertices of this square, where $x$ and $x^{-1}$ mean to move along the nearest $x$ edge, and $y$ and $y^{-1}$ mean move along the nearest $y$ edge. Our two tromino tiles trace out paths with wind exactly once around the center of this square, either clockwise or counter-clockwise. This means that if you keep track of the path and the square path simultaneously, then any region which can be tiled with trominos must satisfy

  • # upward triangles = # number downward triangles = # number hexagons, and

  • # hexagons $\equiv$ # number of times winding around the square $\pmod 2$.

Finally, we can prove $R$ cannot be tiled when we have $3\mid mn$ but $6\not\mid mn$. You can check that while $\partial R$ encloses zero triangles and hexagons, it does wind exactly once around the square. Since the bullet point in the second invariant is violated, we conclude that $R$ cannot be tiled.