Which Pair of these 3 graphs are is isomorphic

graph theorygraph-isomorphism

Picture of graphs

I know that the 3 graphs have the same number of vertices and edges which is one of the condition for isomorphism . And I also know that having the same number of vertices and edges does not mean that they already isomorphic to each other. My question is, if there's pair in the graph that is isomorphic to each other, what is it and how I can prove it by mapping the vertices?

Best Answer

After you have verified that each graph contains a unique triangle, label each vertex of each graph with its distance from the triangle. That is, start by labeling the vertices of the triangle with $0$, then label their unlabeled neighbors with $1$, then label the unlabeled neighbors of those vertices with $2$, and so on.

When I did this I found that each graph has three vertices labeled $0$ (of course), and three vertices labeled $1$; but graph A has four vertices labeled $2$ and two vertices labelled $3$, while graph B has five vertices labeled $2$ and one vertex labeled $3$, and graph C has three vertices labeled $2$ and three vertices labeled $3$.

This means that no two of the three graphs are isomorphic.

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