Which among the following cannot be the image of interval $[0,1)$ under a continuous map


Let $f : \mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}$ be a continous map then which of the following cannot be the image of

$[0,1)$ under $f$ ?

(a) $0$

(b) $(0,1)$

(c) $[0,1)$

(d) $[0,1]$

Now , I know the following theorem if $f$ is a continuous map iff inverse image of every closed set is a closed set.

So, (a) and (d) must be the correct choices,
But for option (a) I can easily set $f(x) = 0$, hence it must be incorrect.

But I don't really understand why isn't option (a) the correct choice, According to the theorem all the hypothesis are satisfied hence $0$ should be one of the answer.

Can someone please clear my doubt as why is option (a) Not the correct choice ?

Best Answer

I think the only good way to go about this really is to apply the property that $f$ maps compacts to compacts. So we see that $f([0,1])$ is compact, and $f([0,1])=f([0,1))\cup f(\{1\})$, but the latter is a single point, and adding a single point to $(0,1)$ can never make it closed (hence, not compact). Hence, $(0,1)$ must be wrong.

As for the other options:

$\{0\}=f([0,1))$ if $f(x)=0$ for all $x$.

$[0,1)=f([0,1))$ if $f(x)=x$

$[0,1]=f([0,1))$ if $f(x)=2\cdot|\frac{1}{2}-x|$

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