Where does $i^2$ lie on the imaginary axis

complex numbers

I have always had this question in mind. I am aware that a complex number is of the form a+ib can be represented in a complex plane where the real part "a" is represented on the x-axis or the real axis and "b" is represented on the y-axis, the imaginary axis (I do not understand the concept of complex number very deeply; which is why its a matter of interest for me; so please correct me if this understanding of mine is wrong in any way), but what if a=0 and b=i? where would such a number be plotted on the complex plane?

Best Answer

$a+bi$ has coordinates $x = a, y = b$ when $a$ and $b$ are real. When they are not real, you will have to do multiplication of complex numbers to write the thing in standard form.

So $i^2 = -1 = -1 + 0i$ which has coordinates $(-1,0)$. It does not lie on the imaginary axis at all.

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