Where can I find a proof of the Hasse norm theorem (in english)


I am interested in determining the Brauer group of $\mathbb{Q}$. A while ago I started reading about central simple algebras and Brauer groups. Till now I have proved up to the $B(K^{unr})=\mathbb{Z}/1\mathbb{Z}$ and thus the Hasse invariant isomorphism $B(K)=\mathbb{Q}/\mathbb{Z}$ for $K$ a local field of characteristic 0. I got stuck trying to make progress after realising that the injectivity of the $B(K) \rightarrow \oplus_{v \in M_K} B(K_v)$ is equivalent to the Hasse Norm theorem for prime degree, so I started looking up proofs, but the proofs by Hasse or Furtwangler I found online were in German so I couldn't understand them. So are there any proofs of the Hasse norm theorem in English available online?

Edit: Ok never mind, I found a proof in the MIT OCW. Thanks for the suggestions in the below comment

Best Answer

Self-answering (should have done a bit ago) as the question served its purpose quite a bit ago:

A proof is available in Class Field Theory notes by James Milne. The same proof is also explained in the Lecture 23, MIT OCW, 18.786 Number Theory II.

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