When two perpendicular lines are rotated about each other (out of their common plane), what is the new angle between them

euclidean-geometrygeometrylinear algebrarotationssolution-verification

When two perpendicular lines are rotated about each other (out of their common plane), what is the new angle between them?

More formally: Let $\ell, m$ be two perpendicular lines, and let their common plane be $P$. Rotate $\ell$ about $m$ out of plane $P$ by angle $\theta$, and rotate $m$ about $\ell$ out of plane $P$ by angle $\phi$. Now $\ell'$ and $m'$ have common plane $Q$. What is the angle $\psi$ between $\ell'$ and $m'$?

Source: This question arose from the comments to Prove the hyperbolic paraboloid $xy = z$ intersects its tangent plane in two perpendicular lines .

My solution is below. I request verification and, if possible, further simplification or analysis.

Potentially related: Determining new coordinates after a rotation of a sphere and New angle formed after rotating pipe .

WLOG, assume $\ell$ and $m$ intersect at the origin, $\ell$ includes $(1,0,0)$ and $m$ includes $(0,1,0)$. Then $\ell'$ includes the origin and $(\cos \theta, 0, \sin \theta)$ and $m'$ the origin and $(0, \cos \phi, \sin \phi)$. The angle $\psi$ between them is $$\begin{align}\psi &= \arccos \frac{\ell' \cdot m'}{\|l'\|\|m'\|} \\
&= \arccos (\sin\theta \sin \phi).

I'm not able to simplify further (other than noting that the above equals $\arccos (\frac 1 2 [\cos (\theta – \phi) + \cos(\theta + \phi)])$).

The above shows that if only one line is rotated, they'll remain perpendicular ($\sin 0 = 0$), but if both are rotated (excluding null rotations), they will never remain so.

Best Answer

I don’t have any disagreement or suggestions on your solution, but I wanted to point out that (consistent with your solution), the answers and comments that say the lines remain perpendicular are wrong for the question you asked, which involves rotating two lines independently out of the same plane that contains them before rotation. (This is not the same as rotating one line out of $P$ and then rotating the other line out of a plane that is not $P$.)

Suppose $\ell$ and $m$ are the $x$- and $y$-axes of standard three-dimensional space. Then the plane $P$ is the $xy$-plane.

If you rotate the $x$-axis out of $P$ (the $xy$-plane) by $90^\circ$, it becomes coincident with the $z$-axis. If you rotate the $y$-axis out of $P$ (the $xy$-plane) by $90^\circ$, it also becomes coincident with the $z$-axis.

The $x$ and $y$ axes are perpendicular, but after each is rotated $90^\circ$ out of the $xy$-plane, they become coincident and the angle between them is zero.

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