When should I use RAA in natural deduction proofs


I can't understand exactly when should I use RAA (reductio ad absurdum) rule in natural deduction proofs? What situation should "trigger" me to think "Now it's time to use RAA"?

Best Answer

What situation should "trigger" me to think "Now it's time to use RAA"?

I can think of $4$ explicit situations:

  1. Your goal is the negation of something. If you goal is $\neg \varphi$, assume $\varphi$ and see if you can get a contradiction

  2. Your goal is some atomic statement $P$: Assume $\neg P$, get a contradiction, get $\neg \neg P$ using RAA, and finally derive $P$ from $\neg \neg P$ (classical logics typically have a $\neg \ Elim$ rule for this)

  3. Your goal is a disjunction $\varphi \lor \psi$ ... and you don't have any disjunction that you can work with (if you do have a disjunction, set up a $\lor \ Elim$ on that one.). The nice thing about doing an RAA here is that once you assume $\neg ( \varphi \lor \psi)$, you should be able to derive both $\neg \varphi$ and $\neg \psi$ (using two RAA proofs themselves!), and now you have some useful stuff to work with on your way to a contradiction.

  4. Your goal is an existential $\exists x \ \varphi(x)$ ... and you don't have some other existential to work with (if you do have another existential, set up a $\lor \ Elim$ on that one.). So here the assumption will be $\neg \exists x \ \varphi(x)$ which, with a bit of work (and probably another RAA inside) should allow you to prove $\forall x \ \neg \varphi(x)$ ... and that will be useful to try and get to a contradiction given whatever else you have.