When is the Intersection of a Cone and a Cylinder Planar?

conic sectionssolid-geometry

I'm trying to understand better the link between the algebraic and geometric interpretation of the ellipse, and I've wondered about the intersection of a right circular cylinder and a right circular cone.

On one hand, we know that the intersection of each with a plane (given that the plane is not too slanted) is an ellipse, and so we can tweak the planes and the radius of the cylinder to give the same ellipses, as can be seen here.
In this, they conclude that if the cone and cylinder's axes are parallel, and the cone axis fall within the cylinder, the intersection is a planar ellipse.

However, it does not work when dealing with the algebraic equations of the two:
(x-a)^2 + y^2 = b^2\\
x^2 + y^2 = cz^2

from substituting the second into the first, we get $2ax=cz^2+a^2-b^2$, which is the equation of a parbolic cylinder. (The case for $a=0$ gives a circle, and it sort of the trivial solution).

Which approach is the correct one, and what's wrong with the other?

Best Answer

In this answer, I derive a formula for the eccentricity of an ellipse in terms of angles made by the surface of the cone, and the cutting plane, with a "horizontal" plane (perpendicular to the axis). Complementing (for the sake of easier description here), we can restate the formula as $$e = \frac{\cos\theta}{\cos\phi} \tag1$$ where $\phi$ is the angle made by (a generator of) the cone and its axis, and $\theta$ is the (non-obtuse) angle made by the cutting plane (or, more-specifically, the conic's major axis) and the cone axis. It easy to show that, for the case of a cylinder, the corresponding relation matches the result of setting $\phi=0$ (and writing $\theta'$ to distinguish from $\theta$): $$e = \cos\theta' \tag2$$ So, if a cone and cylinder have a planar (thus, elliptical) intersection, then the ellipse's major axis makes angles $\theta$ and $\theta'$ with their respective axes, such that $$\cos\theta'=\frac{\cos\theta}{\cos\phi} \tag3$$ Thus, given any plane cutting a cone in an ellipse, we can find an appropriate cylinder that has the ellipse as its intersection. (Technically, the ellipse may only be part of the overall intersection.) Knowing $\phi$ and $\theta$, we use $(3)$ to find $\theta'$. (Note: Given that the plane cuts the cone in an ellipse, we know $1>e=\cos\theta'$ so that $\theta'$ is defined.) This angle determines the cylinder's axis through the ellipse's center; in fact, for $\theta'\neq \pi/2$, we have two possibilities for that axis. The desired cylinder's radius is necessarily the ellipse's minor radius. So, generally, there's are two families of configurations (essentially parameterized by $\theta$ and a scale factor, and the choice of cylinder axis) of cones and cylinders having (partially) planar intersection, with no requirement that the cone and cylinder have parallel axes.

That said, in the particular case where the cone and cylinder do have parallel axes, then $\theta=\theta'$. Assuming $\phi\neq 0$ (the cone is non-degenerate), then the only way to satisfy $(3)$ is with $\cos\theta=\cos\theta'=0=e$: the intersection is a circle. Clearly, the cylinder's axis necessarily coincides with the cone's. An "offset" configuration ($a\neq 0$ in the question) is invalid, re-confirming conclusions made in other answers.