When is the compact-open topology compact


Let $X,Y$ be topological spaces. Let $\mathcal{C}(X,Y)$ be the space of continuous functions from $X$ to $Y$ equipped with the compact open topology. What conditions do we need on $X$ and $Y$ to ensure that $\mathcal{C}(X,Y)$ is compact?

What I'm hoping is that if both $X$ and $Y$ are compact Hausdorff then these are sufficient conditions, but I'm unable to prove this. Perhaps there is an obvious counterexample to this that I'm missing?

EDIT: I found a counterexample, but maybe it can still work. Let $X = Y = S^1$. Then $\mathcal{C}(S^1, S^1)$ has infinitely many path components and so cannot be compact. But is each path component itself compact? That would still be useful to me.

Best Answer

Mapping spaces with the compact-open topology are virtually never compact. In particular, for instance, suppose that there is a closed subspace $Z$ of $Y$ homeomorphic to $[0,1]$ and $X$ is normal and contains an infinite compact subset $K$. (In particular, for instance, this holds whenever $X$ and $Y$ are nonempty positive-dimensional manifolds.) Then $C(X,Z)$ is a closed subspace of $C(X,Y)$ and the restriction map $C(X,Z)\to C(K,Z)$ is surjective by the Tietze extension theorem. So, if $C(X,Y)$ were compact, then $C(K,Z)$ would also be compact. But $C(K,Z)\cong C(K,[0,1])$ is then just a subspace of the Banach space $C(K)$ of continuous real-valued functions on $K$ with the sup norm, and $C(K,[0,1])$ can in fact be described as the closed ball of radius $1/2$ centered at the constant function $1/2$ in $C(K)$. Since $K$ is infinite, $C(K)$ is infinite-dimensional, so closed balls in $C(K)$ are not compact. Thus $C(K,[0,1])$ is not compact and neither is $C(X,Z)$ or $C(X,Y)$. (Note in particular that $C(X,Z)$ is connected so this also shows that the connected component of $C(X,Y)$ containing $C(X,Z)$ is not compact.)

Some trivial cases where $C(X,Y)$ is compact are if $X$ is empty or if $Y$ is compact and $X$ is discrete (so the compact-open topology is just the product topology on $Y^X$) or if $Y$ is compact and every continuous map $X\to Y$ is constant (so $C(X,Y)\cong Y$). Note that if $X$ is nonempty, then $C(X,Y)$ continuously surjects to $Y$ by evaluating at any point of $X$, so $C(X,Y)$ cannot be compact unless $Y$ is compact.

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