When is a Sylow $p$-subgroup normal


Let $A_5$ be the alternating group of degree 5. I would like to prove that the number $s_5$ of Sylow 5-subgroups of $A_5$ ist 6. With $|A_5| = \frac{5!}{2} = 60 = 5 \cdot 12$ and the Sylow theorems I get that 12 is a multiple of $s_5$ and $s_5 = 1 + 5k$ with $k \in \mathbb{N}_0$. Therefore $s_5 \in \{1,6\}$. I could exclude the case $s_5 = 1$ by finding at least two Sylow 5-subgroups of $A_5$, but it is enough to show that a Sylow 5-subgroup of $A_5$ is not normal. Unfortunately, I don't see how this is apparent.

  1. How can be shown that a Sylow 5-subgroup of $A_5$ is not normal?
  2. How does the answer for (1) generalize for groups other than $A_5$?

Best Answer

  1. elements of $A_5$ are totally explicit. 5-Sylow are cyclic of order $5$ , generated by a $5$-cycle. So, pick for example $s=(1 \ 2 \ 3 \ 4 \ 5)$ . I am pretty sure that if you pick a random element $t$ of $A_5$, $tst^{-1}$ won't be a power of $s$.

  2. You cannot expect a general reasonable answer( except the trivial one: given a subgroup $H$ of $G$, compute $gHg^{-1}$ ofr all $g\in G$ and see if it is contained in $H$. Of course you can use generators of $H$ and/or $G$ to reduce to a small number of verifications, but still...)

To prove my point: any group $G$ with odd order has a non trivial normal subgroup. I really doubt that if I give you a group $G$ of huge odd order and a subgroup $H$, you will be able to decide if $H$ is normal or not.

Proving that a given group does or does not have a nontrivial normal subgroup is difficult. For example, the classification of finite simple groups took decades of efforts, and involves extremely difficult mathematics.

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