When is a Lie group action is a local diffeomorphism


My whole question is actually in the title. Suppose a Lie group $G$ acting smoothly on a smooth manifold $M.$ I am looking for the conditions on the group action or the Lie group $G$ that makes $M$ and $g(M)$ are locally diffeomorphic for all $g\in G.$ Perhaps this is the case for all Lie group actions?

I was pondering about this question sometimes but couldn't get in to any conclusion. This might be obvious for the experts and people with sufficient background.

Best Answer

If I'm interpreting your (edited) question correctly, the answer is yes: For any element $g\in G$, $\theta_g:M\to M$ is smooth, since the action itself is smooth, and has a smooth inverse $\theta_{g^{-1}}:M\to M$, since $\theta_{g^{-1}}\circ\theta_g=\theta_{g^{-1}g}=\theta_e=\text{id}_M$. Thus each $\theta_g$ is a global diffeomorphism.

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