When does this matrix have no solultions, infinite solutions and 1 solution? And what are the solutions

gaussian eliminationmatrices

So im supposed to decide for what h and k this matrix has no solultions, infinite solutions and a unique solution


By gaussian elimination i get

\right] $$

So i should get no solutions when $$3-3h = 0 \: ,k-3 \neq 0, \: and \: 3-3h\neq k-3 $$

And infinitely many solutions when $$3-3h = 0\text{ and }k-3= 0$$
And a unique solution would take the form

\right] $$

when $$\: 3-3h\neq 0$$

Are there any cases i have failed to take into consideration?

Best Answer

You'll get a unique solution when the rows of the coefficient matrix are linearly independent, for then the coefficient matrix is invertible. this happens if $h \neq 1.$ If $h=1,$ the rows of the coefficient matrix are dependent, and you will get no or infinitely many solutions depending on the value of $k.$ If $k=3,$ the rows of the augmented matrix are dependent, and you get infinitely many solutions. If $k \neq 3,$ there are no solutions.

Yogi Berra once said "You can see a lot by looking." In this situation, the form of the augmented matrix says a lot. You don't really need Gauss-Jordan to answer your question (modulo a few mental calculations and miscellaneous facts).

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