When do Linear Transformations NOT preserve angles between vectors? Doesn’t the SVD tell us all linear transformations preserve angles

linear algebralinear-transformationsmatrix decompositionsingular valuessvd

From searching on the internet, I learned only a subset of linear transformations preserve angles between vectors. But –

Learning about the SVD – we can geometrically understand as breaking down some matrix A into a three matrices. These matrices can be understood geometrically as a rotation step, then a scaling step, and then another rotation.

enter image description here

Since any matrix can be broken down into these three steps (Since SVD applies to all matrices A?) doesn't that mean that all transformations are simply a rotation, a scaling, and then a rotation, which means the angles are preserved?

Why is this not true? And when do linear transformations preserve angles, and when do they not?


Best Answer

Stretching a circle into an ellipse doesn't preserve angles.