When considering vector space, do I need to define multiplication and addition of the scalars

linear algebra

Suppose we have some vector space, say $V$; vectors $\bf v, u$ such that $\bf v,u$ are in $V$; and some scalars, call them $k,c$

So, if I understood this correctly, following operations

$$\tag 1 \mathbf{u} + \bf v$$


$$\tag2 k\bf u$$

do not necessarily mean usual addition or usual multiplication. In other words, when talking about vector space above, firstly we should define those two operations.

But what about these?


$$k + c$$

Do these two operations mean usual scalar addition and usual scalar multiplication? Or should they be defined before considering vector space too?

Best Answer

The scalars come from a field. So there is already a notion of addition and multiplication.

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