What’s the value of the area of the triangle with sides $3\sqrt2$, $\sqrt{26}$, and $\sqrt{20}$


The sides of an acute-angled triangle measure
$3\sqrt2$, $\sqrt{26}$ and $\sqrt{20}$.
Calculate the area of ​​the triangle (Answer:$9$)

My progress…

Is there any way other than Heron's formula since the accounts would be laborious or algebraic manipulation for the resolution?

$p=\frac{\sqrt{18}+\sqrt{20}+\sqrt{26}}{2}\implies S_{ABC} =\sqrt{p(p-\sqrt{20})(p-\sqrt{26})(p-\sqrt{18})}$

Best Answer

Here is a method (generating two different proofs in fact) that does not use Heron's formula.

Having observed the following relationships:

$$20=4^2+2^2, \ \ \ \ 26=5^2+1^2,$$

we can "embed" the triangle into a coordinate grid in this way:

enter image description here

where we have, in the different right triangles, Pythagoras theorem giving:

$$AB=\sqrt{20}=\sqrt{5^2+1^2}, \ \ AC=3 \sqrt{2}=\sqrt{3^2+3^2}, \ \ BC=\sqrt{4^2+2^2}$$

It remains to subtract to the area of rectangle $DEBF$ the areas of the right triangles:

$$4 \times 5 - (5 \times 1/2 + 4 \times 2/2+3\times 3/2)=20-11=9.$$

In fact, with this figure, we do not need to do all these calculations. It is simpler to use Pick's theorem, saying that the area of a polygon whose vertices are on a square grid is given by:


where $i$ is the number of interior points and $b$ the number of boundary points, giving in our case:


enter image description here

(Many thanks to A-B-C who has recalled me this method I had forgotten).