What’s the measure of the $\angle ACB$


For reference: (Exact copy of the problem)
In the right triangle, right angle in $B$; $I$ is incenter and $E$ is excenter
for $BC$.If $AI = IE$, calculate $\angle ACB$ (answer:$53^o$)

My progress:
Drawing according to the statement and placing the relationships we arrive at…
(The dots in blue are just to make it easier to see the size of the sides)
enter image description here

Best Answer

From $I$ and $E$ drop perpendiculars to $AC$. These perpendiculars will be inradius $r$ and exradius, $r_a$ respectively.

Since $AI=AE/2$, $r=r_a/2$ using similar triangles.

Using formulas for $r=\Delta / s$ and $r_a = \Delta / (s-a)$, we can obtain


Combining this with $b^2-c^2=a^2$, we get $$\frac{c}{b}=\frac{4}{5} \Rightarrow \angle C = \sin^{-1}\frac{4}{5} \approx 53^\circ$$