What’s the maximum area of a sector defined by an inscribed angle


When $\theta$ is in radians, a central angle of $\theta$ creates a sector of the circle with area equal to $\frac12r^2\theta$. I started wondering what the area formula would be if the vertex of the angle was on the circumference rather than the center. But after searching on this site, I found that same question being asked. The answer was that there is no formula because a single value of $\theta$ can lead to different areas (rotate the angle without changing its measure to change sector area). So I have a new question. What is the maximum sector area in a circle, when the inscribed angle is $\theta$?

Best Answer

Since the base for a given angle is fixed, we just need to maximize the height

enter image description here

which requires $AC=BC$.

According to the following sketch we need to find:

$$ A=\operatorname{Area}\left(\triangle{ABC}\right)+ \operatorname{Area}(\newcommand{arc}[1]{\stackrel{\Large\frown}{#1}}\arc{OAB} )-\operatorname{Area}\left(\triangle{OAB}\right)$$

enter image description here

or also

$$ A=2\operatorname{Area}\left(\triangle{OBC}\right)+ \operatorname{Area}(\newcommand{arc}[1]{\stackrel{\Large\frown}{#1}}\arc{OAB} )=$$

$$=2\cdot \frac12 \cdot 2r\cos \frac \theta 2 \cdot r \sin \frac \theta 2+\frac12 r^2\cdot 2\theta=\boxed{r^2\left(\sin \theta +\theta\right)}$$

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