What’s the free product of $\Bbb Z/3\Bbb Z *\Bbb Z/3\Bbb Z $


What's the free product of $\Bbb Z/3\Bbb Z *\Bbb Z/3\Bbb Z $?

Let $G=H=\Bbb Z/3\Bbb Z *\Bbb Z/3\Bbb Z =\langle g\in\{0,1,2\}\mid 3g\equiv0\pmod 3\rangle$

Then I have that the free product of groups $J$ is:

$J=G*H=\langle g,h\mid 3g\equiv3h\equiv0\pmod 3\rangle$

I'm seeing this as the set of ordered pairs $\{g,h\}$ which has $9$ elements, which I know is wrong but I don't understand why.

What do the elements of $J$ look like?

Best Answer

Its not the set of ordered pairs. Its more natural in this setting to write our group operation multiplicatively, so $g^3=1$ etc., and then we can view this group $\mathbb{Z}/3\mathbb{Z}\ast\mathbb{Z}/3\mathbb{Z}$ as the set of all words of the form: $$ g^{\alpha_1}h^{\beta_1}\cdots g^{\alpha_n}h^{\beta_n} $$ where $\alpha_2, \ldots, \alpha_n, \beta_1, \ldots, \beta_{n-1}\in\{1, 2\}$ and $\alpha_1, \beta_n\in\{0, 1, 2\}$ (this last condition just allows for the first and end letters of the word to change).

Multiplication is concatenation-then-reduction, for example multiplying $hgh^2$ and $hg^2h$ gives: $$ \begin{align*} hgh^2\cdot hg^2h&=hgh^3g^2h\\ &=hg1g^2h\\ &=hg^3g\\ &=h1g\\ &=h^2. \end{align*} $$ Using this view, its clear that this group is infinite. (Note that people often use $\epsilon$ for the identity element in this setting, where $\epsilon$ denotes the empty word, rather than $1$.)

Being slightly more formal, what is going on here is that the group is equivalence classes of words over the symbols $g$ and $h$, where $U$ and $V$ are equivalent if one can be obtained from the other by adding and removing words of the form $g^3$ and $h^3$. All I've done above is pick a single representative from each equivalence class. This is the kind of view taken in, for example, the book Combinatorial group theory by Magnus, Karrass and Solitar, or the book Combinatorial group theory by Lyndon and Schupp*.

For an added geometric twist, consider the infinite tree where each vertex has valency $3$ (the "trivalent tree"). Colour the vertices blue and red such that no adjacent vertices have the same colour. Then the free product $\mathbb{Z}/3\mathbb{Z}\ast\mathbb{Z}/3\mathbb{Z}$ acts by rotations on this tree (you can think of the "left" group as the "blue" group and the "right" group as the "red" group). For more details, see the very readable book "Groups, graphs and trees" by John Meier.

*Why yes, these books do have the same name.

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