What separation is required to ensure extremally disconnected spaces are sequentially discrete


Conversation continued at MathOverflow

In https://github.com/pi-base/data/issues/387 it is noted that Tychonoff extremally disconnected spaces are sequentially discrete (see Encyclopedia of General Topology by Hart, Nagata, Vaughan).

It seems from The only convergent sequences in an extremally disconnected $T_2$ space are those which are ultimately constant. that in fact Hausdorff is sufficient (Willard exercise 15G.3).

Can Hausdorff be weakened? (Note that an indiscrete space with multiple points is extremally disconnected but not sequentially discrete, so some separation seems to be necessary.)

Best Answer

Here is a proof for T2:

$X$ is a topological space.

Lemma. Let X be T2, $(x_n)_{n \in \mathbb N}$ a sequence in $X$ of pairwise distinct elements, converging to $x \in X, x \neq x_n$ for all $n \in \mathbb N$. Then there exists a pairwise disjoint family $(U_n)_{n \in \mathbb N}$ of open sets, such that $x_n \in U_n$ for all $n \in \mathbb N$.

PROOF. Step 1: For $n \in \mathbb N$ there is an open set $U$ containing $x_n$, such that $x_m \notin \overline{U}$ for all $m > n$. [Consider disjoint neighborhoods of $x_n$ and $x$. Then only finitely many $x_m$ are not in the latter, which can easily be taken care of by T2.]
Step 2: By induction, using step 1, it is now easy to define $(U_n)_{n \in \mathbb N}$ as required.

Now let $X$ be extremally disconnected, T2. Then each converging sequence is eventually constant:

Assume not. Then it is easy to see that by T1, there is a sequence $(x_n)_{n \in \mathbb N}$ in $X$ of pairwise distinct elements, converging to $x \in X, x \neq x_n$ for all $n \in \mathbb N$. Let $(U_n)_{n \in \mathbb N}$ be as in the lemma. Define $U := \bigcup_{n \in \mathbb N} U_{2n}$ and $V := \bigcup_{n \in \mathbb N} U_{2n+1}$. Then $U, V$ are open and disjoint, $x \in \overline{U} \cap \overline{V}$ contradicting extremal disconnectness of $X$.