What probability space should I use with the exponential distribution

measure-theoryprobabilityprobability distributionsprobability theory

I am a bit confused about the way continuous random variables are defined. For example, according to Wikipedia the exponential distribution, for $\lambda > 0,$ has a CDF equal to $F(x) = 1-e^{-\lambda x}$ (well, for non-negative $x$ anyway). So presumably it is possible to define a continuous random variable $X$ with $F$ as its CDF. But to be formal we need to define $X$ as a measurable function from a sample space $(\Omega, \Sigma_{\Omega}),$ with some probability measure $P,$ to the real numbers (with the Borel sigma algebra). So my question is how should $(\Omega, \Sigma_{\Omega}),$ $X$ and $P$ be chosen ? For example, would it be okay to choose $\Omega = [0, \infty),$ and $X$ as the inclusion function, and $P$ as the probability measure on $[0, \infty)$ with the aforementioned CDF ?

Best Answer

Given a univariate random variable $X$ with CDF $F$, the standard probability space on which we can construct $X$ is the unit interval $[0,1]$ equipped with Lebesgue measure. If we define $$ X(\omega):=F^{-1}(\omega),$$ where $F^{-1}$ is an appropriately constructed inverse function of the CDF, you can check that $X$ is measurable and possesses the required distribution. For the exponential distribution the inverse $F^{-1}$ can be determined unambiguously.

For a much more detailed discussion, see this.

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