What possible characteristics may a local commutative unital ring have


What possible characteristics may a local commutative unital ring have?

We define the characteristic of a commutative unital ring $R$ in the following way: there is a unique ring homomorphism $\phi: \mathbb{Z} \to R$ defined as $\phi(n)=n \cdot 1$. Since $\mathbb{Z}$ is a PID, $\mathrm{ker}(\phi)$ is a principal ideal. If $\text{ker}(\phi)=c\mathbb{Z}$, then we'll say that the characteristic of $R$ is $c$.

We can prove that the characteristic of a domain is either $0$ or a prime $p$. But how do we classify the characteristic of a local ring $R$ with max ideal $\mathfrak{m}$?

Best Answer

The characteristic of a local ring is a power of a prime or $0$, and any of these happens in some local rings.

That they all happen is easy : you may look at fields for characteristic $0$, and $\mathbb{Z}/p^n\mathbb{Z}$ for powers of primes.

Now let $(R,m)$ be a local ring, and $n$ its characteristic, which we assume to be $>0$. Suppose $n=ab, a\land b = 1$. Then the ideals $I=\{x\in R, ax = 0\}$ and $J=\{x\in R, bx=0\}$ are comaximal : indeed $a\in J, b\in I$ and there are $u,v$ with $au+bv=1$ so $1\in I+J$.

Therefore by locality, one of them is $R$ (otherwise they would both be $\subset m$). If it is $I$, then $a = 0$ in $R$ and so $R$ has characteristic $\mid a$ so $b=1$. If it's $J$, then $a=1$. In any case, $a=1 \lor b=1$, so that $n$ is a power of a prime.

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