What makes the elements of sigma algebra measurable (and measurable w.r.to which measure)

general-topologymeasure-theoryprobability theory

I'm familiar with the definition of sigma algebra defined over a set, which is a collection of subsets that is closed under countable unions and also under complements. While reading about probability theory, it was mentioned that by limiting ourselves to the sigma-algebra, we are avoiding some pathological behaviours caused by what are called as non-measurable sets.

  1. From the definition of sigma algebra, I don't see how it only consists of measurable sets. Is it an implication of the definition? If yes, how is it avoiding admitting non-measurable sets into sigma algebra?
  2. When they say measurable/non-measurable, what is the measure they are talking about? Lebesgue, counting, probability? It seems there is an implicit measure every time someone says a set is measurable/non-measurable.
  3. Can anyone give an example of a set which is measurable w.r.to one measure but not w.r.to another measure?
  4. How important is it to really worry about sigma algebras and measurable/non-measurable sets?
    Most of the continuous distributions are defined on real line and almost every subset of real line that I can think of is a part of sigma algebra and has a definite measure on it. It feels like these concepts are mostly used in definitions to have a concrete theory of probability. I don't remember needing any of those concepts while working with probability/random variables. Are these concepts only useful in developing further theory of probability?

Best Answer

  1. This is by the definition of measure (see @DEATH_CUBE_K 's answer)
  2. If not specified, it is usually the Lebesgue measure. If you are dealing with a random variable $X:(\Omega,\mathcal{F},P)\to\mathbb{R}$, the measure might be $P\circ X^{-1}$ given by its cumulative distribution function.
  3. Vitali sets $V$ are non-measurable w.r.t. Lebesgue measure,but are measurable w.r.t. cardinal measure (i.e. $\operatorname{card}(V)=\infty$)
  4. Non-measurable sets are constructed in a "non-constructive" way (using Axiom of Choice), so it is understandable that you never meet such sets in real-life applications. From a theoretically point of view, Ulam's theorem says that one cannot extend a continuous measure on real line such that all subsets of $\mathbb{R}$ are measurable, in particular there are subsets of $\mathbb{R}$ which are not measurable Lebesgue. Working witn non-measurable sets leads to pathological behavior, such as Banach–Tarski paradox. You may also read Non-measurable set, it gives more information.
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