What kind of connection is the directional derivative


Given a scalar function $f(X)$ as a function of coordinates I can write it's directional derivative in direction $\hat{u}$ as:

$$ D_{\hat{u} } f = \nabla f \cdot \hat{u}$$

This is pretty easy to think about and understand. I recently learned about the concept of connections which is supposed to 'abstract' the idea of directional derivatives from $(0,0)$ tensor fields (scalar fields to a general $(p,q)$ tensor field. Here's the definition I learned:

A connection $\nabla$ on a smooth manifold $(M,\theta,A)$ is a map that takes a pair consisting of a vector field and a $(p,q)$ tensor field $T $and sends that to a $(p,q)$ tensor field $\nabla_x T$ From 20:15

From what I understand, there are actually many possible connections which we could define but the Levi civita connection with the torsion free and metric compatibility is the often used.

In the abstract case , I learned we have to put more constraints to specify how to take a connection then this would mean we would have taken those same assumption in taking the directional derivatives. My question is what is the connection we take to get the directioncal derivative? [Eg: Is it levi civita, or boring connection or something else?]

[I got that the connection is determined by the further constraints in at 16:35 ]

Best Answer

$\newcommand{\R}{\mathbb{R}}$ The directional derivative of a function is well-defined on a manifold without any additional assumptions. In particular, given a smooth function $f: M \rightarrow \R$, $p \in M$, and tangent vector $v \in T_pM$, we can define the directional derivative to be $$ D_vf(p)= \left.\frac{d}{dt}\right|_{t=0}f(c(t)) = \lim_{t\rightarrow 0}\frac{f(c(t))-f(c(0))}{t},$$ where $c$ is a smooth parameterized curve such that $c(0) = p$ and $c'(0) = v$. It is straightforward, using local coordinates and the chain rule, to show that this is well-defined, independent of the curve $c$ and the local coordinates.

If we tryto define the directional derivative of a vector field $X$ the same way, we get something like $$ D_vX(p)= \left.\frac{d}{dt}\right|_{t=0}X(c(t)) = \lim_{t\rightarrow 0}\frac{X(c(t))-X(c(0))}{t}.$$ This, however, doesn't work, because $X(c(t)) \in T_{c(t)}M$ and $X(c(0)) \in T_{c(0)}M$ lie in different vector spaces, so it is not possible to subtract one from the other. You have to "transport" one of them to be in the same tangent space as the other. The process of doing this is a long story. In short, there is not a unique way to do it, and involves setting up a so-called connection on the tangent bundle of the manifold.