What is the complex number that satisfy both loci $\lvert z\rvert=4$ and $\lvert z+2\rvert=\lvert z-4\rvert$

complex numberslocus

I have solved most of the question. This is my work but I can't seem to find what this part is. It's supposed to be $1\pm i\sqrt{15}$ but I don't know why. Any help is much appreciated. Thank you

On a single Argand diagram, sketch the loci $\lvert z\rvert=4$ and $\lvert z+2\rvert=\lvert z-4\rvert$. Hence determine complex numbers that satisfy both loci, giving your answer in Cartesian form.

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Best Answer

The equation: $|z+2|=|z-4|$ is the locus of perpendicular bisector of line segment joining $(-2,0)$ and $(4,0)$. So it is straight line whose equation is: $x=(4-2)/2=1$.

The equation $|z|=4$ represents a circle of radius 4 centered at $(0,0)$. Put $z=x+iy=1+iy$ in the circle’s equation to get point of intersection.