Equality of Sets – What Happens if Equality of Sets is Defined?


Formulation 1 below is the one used in the classical set theory (used in the traditional mathematics), right?

Formulation 1
Primitive notions: set, be element of, equality.
Axiom: A set $A$ is equal to a set $B$ if all elements of $A$ are elements of $B$ and vice-versa.

Instead of taking equality as a primitive notion, could it be considered a defined concept as in Formulation 2?

Formulation 2
Primitive notions: set, be element of.
Definition of equality: We say that a set $A$ is "equal" to a set $B$ if all elements of $A$ are elements of $B$ and vice-versa.

From the mathematical point of view, it seems there is no difference. The theorems will be proved the same way, right?

Is there any context where Formulation 2 is considered wrong or not equivalent to Formulation 1?

Best Answer

If one does not have equality as part of the underlying logic, then there is indeed a way of defining it inside set theory,

$x = y \overset{def}\Longleftrightarrow (\forall z(z \in x \iff z \in y) \land \forall z (x \in z \iff y \in z))$

which of course is just a modification of extensionality: the new bit about belonging to exactly the same sets is just so that one is able to recover the substitution principle of equality

$\forall x,y (x = y \implies (\varphi(x) \iff \varphi(y)))$

for any $\varphi(-)$, from separation/comprehension, which I suppose is not possible using only

$x = y \overset{def}\Longleftrightarrow \forall z(z \in x \iff z \in y)$

edit: if one defines equality by that first phrase up there, then it only makes sense that the 'new', appropriate axiom of extensionality is/becomes

Ax.Ex.: $\forall x,y (\forall z(z \in x \iff z \in y) \iff \forall z (x \in z \iff y \in z))$