What geometrically is geometrically irreducible


Sorry for my bad English.

Let $k$ be field, and $X$ be finite type scheme over $k$.

Now if $X_{\bar{k}}=X\times_k \bar{k}$ is irreducible,
we say $X$ is geometrically irreducible.
(as so reduced, connected, integral)

But I confuse what geometrically? 
Please tell me origin or example ,thanks.

Best Answer

"Geometric" typically means happening over an algebraically closed field (or something that happens once one passes to an algebraically closed field). I don't have a precise reference for the way this terminology is used - it's common though not totally standardized in algebraic geometry, and it is frequently accompanied by a statement explaining exactly what the author means. As far as history goes, this dates back at least to EGA/SGA1 and the term "geometric point", so it's been around quite a while.

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