What exactly is $\mathbb{Z_n}$

equivalence-relationsgroup-theorymodular arithmetic

My impression has been that $\mathbb{Z_n}$ is the set $\{0,1,…,n-1\}$ under binary operation addition modulo $n$. However I'm also coming across this notion that $\mathbb{Z_n}$ is actually a set of equivalence classes of equivalence relation $x\sim y \iff x \equiv y$ mod $n$ and the addition here is actually addition of equivalence classes rather than simply addition of integers modulo $n$. Is this correct? So would it be correct to say $\mathbb{Z_n} = \{n,n+1,…,2n-1\}$? if we are considering these elements as being equivalence classes?

Best Answer

To put it shortly: yes.

What isn't important is what $\mathbb{Z}_n$ "is" as a set. Rather, what's important is that all these different formulations of $\mathbb{Z}_n$ (equivalence classes of integers, select integers with a certain operation, a different set of integers with a certain operation) all give rise to an algebraic structure (groups, rings, fields, depending on what you're working with) which are all isomorphic.

Though, if you're saying that $\mathbb{Z}_n$ is equivalence classes, then the accepted notation would probably look more like $\mathbb{Z}_n = \{[n]_n, [n + 1]_n, \dots\}$, or perhaps even $\mathbb{Z}_n = \{n + n\mathbb{Z}, (n + 1) + n\mathbb{Z}, \dots\}$, depending on your background and your personal aesthetic concerns. $n$, after all, is an integer, not an equivalence class of integers.

As Qiaochu Yian says in his comment, the equivalence class definition is usually preferred, as this makes certain proofs much easier.

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