What does it mean that $X_T$ is a solution to a Brownian Motion driven SDE ($dX_t = ….$)


Please consider the
X_t = X_0 + \int^t_of(X_s,s)ds+\int^t_og(X_s,s)dB_s
where $B_t$ is Brownian Motion. This can also be expressed as:
What does it mean that $X_T$ is a solution to the above stochastic differential equation?

I can't seem to intuitive explain this. The way I will put it is:

For a given Brownian motion realization it $X_T$ is a solution to the SDE above.. Is this correct or is there more it?

Best Answer

There's actually two definitions of solution to SDE. Strong and weak.

Strong solution. Given a probability space $ (\Omega, \mathcal F, \mathcal F_t,P)$ and a Brownian motion $B(t)$ on that space adapted to $\mathcal F_t$, a solution to $dX=fdt+g~dB(t)$ with initial condition $x\in \mathbb R$ is a continuous process adapted to $\mathcal F_t$ such that $X(t)=x+\int_0^t fdt+\int_0^t g~dB(t)$.

There is also

Weak solution. A process $X(t)$ is called a weak solution to $dX=fdt+g~dB(t)$ if there exists a probability space $ (\Omega, \mathcal F, \mathcal F_t,P)$ and a Brownian motion $B(t)$ on that space adapted to $\mathcal F_t$ such that $X(t)=x+\int_0^t fdt+\int_0^t g~dB(t)$.

Note that strong solution implies weak solution.

As an example of something that has weak but not strong solution, consider Tanaka's equation


It can be shown that this has no strong solution by considering local times. However let $X(t)$ be a Brownian motion and then $X(t)$ is a weak solution. Note that $\int_0^t\text{sign}^2(s)ds=t<\infty$ so the Ito integral $\int_0^t\frac{1}{\text{sign}(s)}dX(s)=\int_0^t \text{sign}(s) dX(s)$ exists. Noting that the quadratic variation of this integral is $t$, and Ito integrals are continuous martingales, so we know $\int_0^t\frac{1}{\text{sign}(s)}dX(s)=\tilde{B}(t)$ is a Brownian motion.

Thus, $dX(t)=\text{sign}(t)d\tilde{B}(t)$.

The difference here is that the Brownian motion is constructed in terms of our solution not the other way around.

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