What does it mean for a manifold to “look like” another manifold


In Carroll's introduction to general relativity textbook, the following question is an exercise at the end of Chapter 2:

"By clever choice of coordinate charts, can we make $\mathbf R^2$ look like a one-dimensional manifold? Can we make $\mathbf R^1$ look like a two-dimensional manifold? If so, explicitly construct an appropriate atlas, and if not, explain why not. The point of this problem is to provoke you to think deeply about what a manifold is; it can't be answered rigorously without going into more details about topological spaces. In particular, you might have to forget that you already know a definition of an "open set" in the original $\mathbf R^2$ or $\mathbf R^1$, and define them as being appropriately inherited from the $\mathbf R^1$ or $\mathbf R^2$ to which they are being mapped."

What does he mean by making $\mathbf R^2$/$\mathbf R^1$ "look like" the appropriate manifolds? The only criteria of comparison he gives in the chapter if that of a diffeomorphism: if there is a diffeomorphism between two manifolds, they are "the same". Since he mentioned having to go into detail about topological spaces, I went online and found another comparison criterion (comparing two topologies of a set, and how the partial ordering of the set of all topologies on a given set can be used to compare them), but I don't know if that applies here or not.

Note that I'm looking for possible answers to the question in the title, not the exercise given in the textbook; I'm still trying to solve the problem, and need a push in the right direction rather than a complete solution. Also, I'm new to differential geometry and I just got the textbook to learn GR.

Best Answer

I don’t know how much Carroll has introduced at this stage, but a smooth manifold consists at the very minimum of the following information: an integer $n\geq 0$, a set $M$ together with a choice $\mathcal{A}$ called an atlas. An atlas is an object whose elements are pairs, $(U,\phi)$, called charts. These charts are then required to satisfy a few conditions:

  • each $\phi[U]$ is supposed to be open in $\Bbb{R}^n$,
  • for each pair $(U,\phi)$ and $(V,\psi)$ in $\mathcal{A}$, $\phi[U\cap V],\psi[U\cap V]$ must be open in $\Bbb{R}^n$
  • the maps $\phi\circ\psi^{-1}:\psi[U\cap V]\to \phi[U\cap V]$, and $\psi\circ\phi^{-1}:\phi[U\cap V]\to\psi[U\cap V]$ are supposed to be $C^{\infty}$.
  • the atlas must cover $M$, meaning the union of all $U$ as $(U,\phi)$ varies in $\mathcal{A}$ must equal $M$. Or more explicitly, for each $p\in M$, there must exist some $(U,\phi)\in\mathcal{A}$ such that $p\in U$.

Ok I’m glossing over the fact that after one has the definition of $\mathcal{A}$, a smooth structure on $M$ is actually an equivalence class of atlases (the equivalence relation being that the union must be an atlas still) or what amounts to the same thing, one considers a maximal atlas.

Anyway, the point of this question is for you to think about if it is possible to take the set $M=\Bbb{R}^n$ (forget everything else you know about it temporarily; i.e forget grid lines, forget Euclidean distances, forget all of that. Just think of this as a big box of tuples) and construct an atlas $\mathcal{A}$ such that with this atlas, $(M,[\mathcal{A}])$ is a smooth manifold of dimension $m$ (with $m$ possibly different from $n$), and furthermore whether it is possible to make it so that $(M,[\mathcal{A}])$ is diffeomorphic to the usual smooth manifold $(\Bbb{R}^m,[\mathcal{A}_{\text{standard}}])$.

I’ll spoil the answer for you, but let you figure out the details (I disagree that you cannot answer this rigorously at this stage (even if you don’t know what a topological space in general is, as long as you know what an atlas is and what the usual topology on $\Bbb{R}^n$, in terms of open balls is)). The answer is yes, such an atlas $\mathcal{A}$ does exist. In fact, I can even take the Cantor set (or even worse, a fat Cantor set $F\subset\Bbb{R}$) and I can equip it with an atlas such that the result is diffeomorphic to $\Bbb{R}^{2023}$ with its usual smooth structure.

So, the purpose of this question, as already mentioned in the text, is “to provoke you to think deeply about what a manifold is”, and in particular, to get you to keep your instincts at bay and proceed only with the definitions in an almost robotic manner “smooth manifold = set + maximal smooth atlas” and to make you understand the role of each part of the definition. In this process you’ll learn the key lesson that a manifold is not just a set of points!

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