What does $f^+:=\max(f,0)$ and $f^-:=\max(-f,0)$ mean


Let $f$ be a continious function over an intervall with
$f^+:=\max(f,0)$ and $f^-:=\max(-f,0)$

What does that mean graphically?

Best Answer

  • $f^+$ is equal to
    • $f$ when $f$ is positive
    • $0$ when $f$ is negative
  • $f^-$ is equal to
    • $-f$ when $f$ is negative
    • $0$ when $f$ is positive

when plotting $f^+$ and $f^-$ together you will get the same as if you were plotting $g_1$ and $g_2$ with

  • $g_1 = |f|$
  • $g_2 = 0$