What does $\bigwedge$ mean in lambda calculus


In the Wikipedia article on Fixed-point combinator in the Values and domains section, we find the following:

$$x^2 = -1 \implies x = \frac{-1}x \implies fx = \frac{-1}x \bigwedge Yf = x$$

What does the $\bigwedge$ mean? How does $x = \frac{-1}x$ imply $fx = \frac{-1}x \bigwedge Yf = x$? My best guess is observing that $\lambda be.eb = \overline{b^e}$, then guessing that $\bigwedge$ means exponentiation, but that would still not explain why $fx = x$ or $\frac{-1}x \bigwedge Yf = x$.

Best Answer

Examining the source code of the Wikipedia page indicates that this symbol is generated by \land, which denotes "logical and", or conjunction. Note the difference in size and weight between $\bigwedge$ and $\land$.