What does a set of functions from $A$ to $B$ belong to


To understand the set-theoretic definition of functions, I tried to find a set that contains a set of all functions from $A$ to $B$ for (possibly empty) sets $A$ and $B$.


My approach (possibly informal):
Because a function is a subset of binary relation,

f \in A \to B
f \subseteq A \times B
f \in \powset(A \times B)

where $A \to B$ denotes the set of all functions from $A$ to $B$.
\forall f: f \in A \to B \imply f \in \powset(A \times B)

i.e., $A \to B \subseteq \powset(A\times B)$.

Finally, we have
A \to B \in \powset(\powset(A\times B))

Is this correct? What is the domain of discourse of $f$ here? (concerning $\forall f$)

Best Answer

Yes, the set of maps from $A$ to $B$ is a subset of $\mathcal{P}(\mathcal{P}(A \times B))$. It is more often written $B^A$ than $A \to B$. In the statement $(\forall f) (f \in B^A \Rightarrow f \in \mathcal{P}(A \times B))$, the domain of discourse is the not-a-set of all sets, assuming that you're working in ZFC.