What do the derivative and integral notations mean


I have only recently began studying calculus at school, so a non-technical answer would be greatly appreciated. While I understand the techniques for differentiation and integration, I still feel as if I don't understand why they work. Part of this bewilderment stems from the notation (and the language used to describe the notation). For example,


I have heard spoken aloud as "the rate of change of y of $x^2+5$ with respect to $x$ is $2x$". I am not completely clear on what "with respect to $x$" means, but I think it means that the derivative is telling you what the rate of change for each value of $x$ is. For example, when $x=5$, the gradient is $10$. If, however, you were looking at the derivative with respect to $y$, then the gradient function would tell you what the gradient is for each $y$-value.

From what I understand, $\frac{dy}{dx}$ is also just a shorthand for a more formal limit expression rather than a ratio:

However, while the notation for differentiation is somewhat intuitive, I still find the integral notation baffling:

\int f(x)dx=2x

Why is there no "$dy$" in this notation, but there is one in the derivative notation? When the "$dx$" is adjacent to the gradient function, what does it stand for? And what does the integral sign actually mean? I feel completely stuck, so it would be helpful if someone could walk me through the notation step-by-step.

Best Answer

$$ \text{If } y = f(x) \text{ then } \frac{dy}{dx} = \frac d {dx} f(x) \xcancel{{} = \frac{dy}{dx} f(x)} $$ $$ \frac{dy}{dx} = \frac{\text{infinitely small increment of $y$}}{\text{infinitely small increment of }x} $$ \begin{align} & \phantom{\frac11}\\ & \int_a^b f(x)\,dx \\[8pt] = {} & \text{sum of infinitely many} \\ & \text{infinitely small quantities} \end{align} $dx$ is an infinitely small increment of $x$.

For example, $dx$ may be an infinitely small increment of time and $f(x)$ is speed at time $x,$ so that $f(x)\,dx= \text{rate} \times\text{time}$ ${} = \text{infinitely small increment of distnace},$ so that the integral is the total distance. Or $dx$ is an infinitely small increment of depth below the surface of a swimming pool and $f(x)$ is the pressure at depth $x$ multiplied by the width of the wall at that depth, so that $f(x)\,dx$ is the infinitely small force exerted against that infinitely small portion of the wall, and then the integral is the total force.

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