What do Gödel’s incompleteness theorems actually tell us, and how?


I'm currently reading a book on the famous Gödel incompleteness theorems which, at least as I originally understood it, purport to prove that mathematics itself cannot be axiomatized (that is, there exists no axiomatic system upon which all of math can be constructed). Upon further inspection, however, it seems that the truth is a bit more murky. Wikipedia describes the theorems as "that [which] demonstrate the inherent limitations of every formal axiomatic system capable of modelling basic arithmetic"… a bit vague.

What do Gödel's incompleteness theorems actually tell us, and how do they go about proving it, roughly?

No doubt I will have a deeper understanding after spending more time with this, however I can't help but want to anticipate the conclusion now. I'm looking for an answer in simple terms (I'm familiar with fundamental mathematical proof techniques, logic, e.g. at the undergraduate level). Is it true that math itself somehow cannot be axiomatized?

Best Answer

In simple terms the way I understand it is this. If you pick any consistent set/system $A$ of axioms (which obeys certain conditions), and thus build a (math) theory, there will always be statements $S$ in this theory which you can formulate and which are true, but you cannot prove just by using your set $A$ of axioms.

This is Goedel's 1st incompleteness theorem.

That's why it's called incompleteness theorem. Because any consistent system of axioms is not complete i.e. cannot prove all the statements which can be formulated.

There's also a 2nd incompleteness theorem by Goedel which states that no set/system of axioms can prove its own consistency.

Note that both formulations given here are rough and loose.

See also:

How Goedel's incompleteness theorems work?


Ernest Nagel, James Newman, "Gödel's Proof", 1958

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