What can we infer about an argument’s validity given the following information


  1. Suppose the conclusion of an argument is a tautology. What can you conclude about the validity of the argument?

My answer: Valid, because this argument is impossible to have true premises and false conclusion.

  1. What if the conclusion is a contradiction?

My answer: Invalid when an argument is possible to have true premises and false conclusion; otherwise, Valid.

  1. What if one of the premises is either a tautology or a contradiction?

My answer: Invalid when an argument is possible to have true premises and false conclusion; otherwise, Valid. (It is the form that makes arguments valid. Plus we could asume a premise were true even this premise is a contradiction.)

ADDENDUM 1 to add my new answers after reading the accepted answer

  1. Suppose the conclusion of an argument is a tautology. What can you conclude about the validity of the argument?

My new answer: Valid. Because $\forall$x C(x), it is impossible to have $\exists$x[ $\forall$y P(x,y) $\land$ $\neg$ C(x) ].

  1. What if the conclusion is a contradiction?

My new answer:It depends on the premises.

Valid when $\forall$x [$\forall$yP(x,y) $\to$ C(x)]

Invalid when $\exists$x[ $\forall$y P(x,y) $\land$ $\neg$ C(x) ]

  1. What if one of the premises is either a tautology or a contradiction?

My new answer:

Valid when $\forall$x [$\forall$yP(x,y) $\to$ C(x)]

Invalid when $\exists$x[ $\forall$y P(x,y) $\land$ $\neg$ C(x) ]



$\forall$x [$\forall$yP(x,y) $\to$ C(x)]


meaning: Negate the above formula

$\neg$ { $\forall$x [$\forall$yP(x,y) $\to$ C(x)] }


$\exists$x[ $\forall$y P(x,y) $\land$ $\neg$ C(x) ]

x $\in$ {1,…,$\mathrm{2}^{n}$}

y $\in$ {1,…,n}

P(x, y) A premise in (x,y) enty of the truth table.

C(x) The conclusion in the row x of the truth table.

Best Answer

  1. Suppose the conclusion of an argument is a tautology. What can you conclude about the validity of the argument?

Every conditional with a tautological consequent is a logical validity.

In other words, every argument with a tautological conclusion is valid.

  1. What if the conclusion is a contradiction?

A conditional with a contradiction as consequent is a logical validity precisely when its antecedent is unsatisfiable.

In other words, an argument with a contradiction as conclusion is valid precisely when its premises are inconsistent.

3a. What if one of the premises is a tautology?

A conjunction's truth value is not altered by eliminating one of its tautological conjuncts; therefore, a tautological premise confers no information about the argument's validity.

3b. What if one of the premises is a contradiction?

Every conjunction with a contradiction as conjunct is a contradiction; therefore, every argument with a contradiction as one of its premises is valid.