What axiom of ZFC implies that “sets have no repeated elements”


For example, the axiom of pairing says:

Let $a$ be a set.

Let $b$ be a set.

If follows that the set $\{a,b\}$ exists.

This can be used to prove the existence of singletons, for instance, by setting $b := a$ (in the previous statement). Namely, the axiom of pairing implies the following:

Let $a$ be a set.

If follows that the set $\{a\}$ exists.

This got me thinking. What ZFC axiom implies that, for any set $a$, the set $\{a,a\}$ equals the set $\{a\}$? Equivalently, what axiom of ZFC implies that the sets of ZFC don't behave like multisets? (I suspect it's extensionality, but I couldn't argue why. So, if it is extensionality, then I'm gonna need some convincing…)

Best Answer

It is indeed the extensionality axiom that is at play here.

We have

$$\forall x (x \in A \iff x \in B)$$ where $A = \{a,a\}$ and $B=\{a\}$ as for both sets $A$ and $B$, $x$ belongs to one of those set if and only if $x=a$.

Therefore $A=B$ by entensionality.

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