What are the vertices of the polar set of a convex polytope


Let $K=\operatorname{conv}(x_1,,…,x_n)\subset\mathbb R^n$ be a convex polytope. Its polar set is defined as
$$K^\circ\equiv\{x\in\mathbb R^n : \langle x,y\rangle\le 1\forall y\in K\}.$$
We know that $K^\circ$ is always convex, and moreover that when $K$ is a polytope, $K^\circ$ is a polytope.
A few examples of polar sets in $\mathbb R^2$ are given in this answer.

Is there a good/efficient/elegant way to write the vertices of $K^\circ$, given the vertices of $K$?

Best Answer

In principle, you have have to do the following:

The dual polytope can also be given as the set

$$P^\circ =\{x\in\Bbb R^d\mid \langle x, x_i\rangle\le 1 \text{ for all $i=1,...,n$}\}.$$

Each vertex of $P^\circ$ is the intersection of hyperplanes $\langle x,x_i\rangle =1$ for all $i\in I$ for some subset $I\subseteq \{1,...,n\}$. You would have to compute all these $\approx 2^n$ intersections $v_I\in\Bbb R^d,I\subset\{1,...,n\}$ to find all the "potential vertices" (you can be a bit clever here, but it stays $\mathcal O(2^{n/2})$). That is

$$P^\circ=\mathrm{conv}\{v_I\mid I\subseteq\{1,...,n\}\}.$$

Then you have to check which of these are actual vertices, because some $v_I$ might violate an inequality $\langle x,x_i\rangle\le 1$ for some $i\not\in I$.

I suppose there are much more clever ways to do the details, but the core idea is the one above. Also this will never happen in polynomial time.

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