What are the three skew lines to cross a ruling of a one-sheeted hyperboloid


As the book Geometry and the Imagination said, any one-sheeted hyperboloid is a ruled surface and a ruling (the line on the surface) crosses three skew lines (any two of them are not co-planar to each other). I am wondering what are the three skew lines to define a one-sheeted hyperboloid. For example, given the equation of a one-sheeted hyperboloic: $x^2+y^2−z^2 = 1$. What are the three skew lines that define the surface?

Best Answer

Some elements of reflection.

enter image description here

First of all, this answer of mine some years ago can be of some help. It deals with the determination of a ruled quadric knowing three of its 3 lines.

Preliminary material: let us recall how 2 families of skew lines generating a given hyperboloid with one sheet can be obtained.

Dealing with the example you give, with equation written under the form

$$y^2-z^2=1-x^2 \ \iff $$

$$\text{Surface} \ H \ : (y-z)(y+z)=(1-x)(1+x),\tag{1}$$

the two families of lines can be given the following equations:

$$\text{Lines} \ L_a : \ \begin{cases}y-z&=&a(1-x)\\y+z&=&\dfrac{1}{a}(1+x)\end{cases}\tag{2}$$

$$\text{Lines} \ L'_b : \ \begin{cases}y-z&=&b(1+x)\\y+z&=&\dfrac{1}{b}(1-x)\end{cases}\tag{3}$$

for any non-zero real number $a$ or $b$.

Remark: please note that, by multiplication of its 2 equations, (2) $\implies$ (1) ; implication of equations meaning inclusion of corresponding geometric entities ($\forall a, L_a \subset H$) as desired. For the same reason, $\forall b, L'_b \subset H$.

$H$ can be defined by selecting any 3 lines of a family, say $L_{a_1},L_{a_2},L_{a_3}$ or 2 in a family and the third in the other one.

But taking only two of these lines, for example $L_1$ and $L'_1$:

$$L_1 : \ \begin{cases}y-z&=&1-x\\y+z&=&1+x\end{cases} \ \text{and} \ L'_1 : \ \begin{cases}y-z&=&1+x\\y+z&=&1-x\end{cases}\tag{4}$$

whose intersection point is $(x,y,z)=(0,1,0)$ is not enough to define in a unique way a hyperboloid with one sheet (think for example, among other solutions, to the hyperboloid with one sheet symmetrical to $H$ with respect to the plane defined by $L_1 \cup L'_1$). Besides, there are other candidates: there exists Hyperbolic Paraboloids that can pass through these 2 lines.

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